Thursday, December 26, 2019
Things Fall Apart Essay - 763 Words
Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart shows an odd similarity between the cultures of Ancient Greece and the Lower Niger. Despite the fact that two societies can exist during different periods of time and have conflicting cultural values, their stories and behavior can have surprising overlaps. Things Fall Apart is structured like a Greek Tragedy in its use of a chorus and in the presence of a tragic hero whose actions ultimately lead to his downfall. The Egwugwu from Things Fall Apart act like the chorus in a Greek Tragedy, such as Antigone. These figures, the elders of society who speak in behalf of the spirits, are present to provide background information and extra news It is imperative for the audience to know of this information for†¦show more content†¦This is shown when he becomes hungry, and when his wife is not there to bring him his lunch, she is severely beaten, despite the fact that it is a Holy Week. Okonkwo is required to pay a fine for his actions, but it is assumed that he did not learn the meaning behind his punishment. His inability to accept his emotions led to his incredibly violent ways. Okonkwo was also obsessed with impressing the other men of Umuofia. Despite his love for Ikemefuna, Okonkwo drew his machete and cut him down. He was afraid of being thought weak; (61). Okonkwo had to portray himself as being incredibly strong-willed, after overcoming his hereditary situation, which put him originall y in the lowest social position that his father was in. Since he was able to shed the poor name of his father, Okonkwo began to think of himself as better than virtually everyone, including the gods. Okonkwo insulted a man with fewer titles than himself, which was in very poor taste according to the warriors of Umuofia. By making the derogatory claims on him, Okonkwo shows his conceitedness and how he considers himself better than the others. Okonkwos actions lead to his downfall. Creon of Antigone had sentenced Antigone to death, instigating the tragic results of his family. Creon had abandoned and rejected his religious tradition and decided to not bury his nephew, while Okonkwo ignores the rituals and beliefs tied to the holy weeks andShow MoreRelatedThings Fall Apart910 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Okonkwo Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a novel about a man in West Africa. It tells about his triumphs and trial ultimately leading to his demise. It explains how the â€Å"white man†came into his country and took over. It show you how the â€Å"white man†mad things fall apart. Okonkwo was a very large and tall man. He had big bushy eyebrows and a huge nose. As stated in Things Fall Apart, â€Å"He was tall and huge, and his bushy eyebrows and wide nose gave him a very severe look (3-4).†He was extremelyRead MoreThings fall apart1057 Words  | 5 Pages Reflection on the novel Things Fall Apart The Idea of Culture in Things Fall Apart The novel Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe is a story about personal beliefs, customs and also about conflict. There is struggle between family and within culture and it also deals with the concept of culture and the notion of the values and traditions within a culture. The word culture is Latin and means to cultivate. To cultivate has several meanings; it can mean to plow, fertilize, raise and plantRead MoreThings Fall Apart875 Words  | 4 PagesOkonkwo is a tragic hero in Things Fall Apart Question ( 2 ): Discuss Okonkwo in Chinua Achebe s â€Å"Things Fall Apart†is a tragic hero. Answer: In Chinua Achebe’s novel â€Å"Things Fall Apart†Okonkwo is a tragic hero. Aristotle’s Poetics defines a Tragic Hero as a good man of high status who displays a tragic flaw ‘hamartia’ and experiences a dramatic reversal ‘peripeteia’, as well as an intense moment of recognition ‘anagnorisis’. Okonkwo is a leader and hardworking member of the Igbo communityRead MoreThings Fall Apart977 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferently by two different readers? Things Fall Apart Language and Literature Things fall apart is a novel written by Chinua Achebe. It is set during the late 19th, early 20th century in a small village named Umuofia situated in Nigeria. This time period is important because it was a period in colonial history when the British were increasing their influence economic, cultural, and political influence in Africa. The novel deals with the rise and fall of Okonkwo, a man from the village ofRead MoreThings Fall Apart818 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish oral presentation Cultural strengths of the Ibo society before the invasion of the colons. The novel Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe describes the social and cultural traits of a culture based on the principles of labor and masculinity, conformity and kinship and finally on solid juridical system. The worth of a man was measured by his strength and the amount of work he could accomplish and how efficiently feed his family, the concepts of masculinity is strictly related withRead MoreThings Fall Apart2539 Words  | 11 PagesSociety (Things Fall Apart) Women are often thought of as the weaker, more vulnerable of the two sexes. Thus, women’s roles in literature are often subdued and subordinate. In Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, women are repressed by an entrenched structure of the social repression. Women suffer great losses in this novel but, also in certain circumstances, hold tremendous power. Achebe provides progressively changing attitudes towards women’s role. At first glance, the women in Things Fall Apart mayRead More Things Fall Apart Essay714 Words  | 3 PagesThings Fall Apart Opposites do not Attract In Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, Mr. Brown, the first missionary in Umuofia, was a kind and respectful man. Not to say that Reverend James Smith was not, but his degree of kindness and respect were present in a whole different level. They both wanted to convert the lost, all those in Umuofia that were not in the church. Mr. Brown made friends with the clan and â€Å"trod softly on his faith,†(pg.178) while Mr. Smith told them how thingsRead MoreSummary Of Things Fall Apart 716 Words  | 3 PagesJory Alkhudair Mr. Meister English 10th 26 October 2017 Things Fall Apart I am writing about Ekwefi , Okonkwo’s second wife, and who was once the village beauty. Ekwefi is also the mother of Ezinma , Okonkwo’s only daughter . Ezinma is her only surviving child, her other nine died in infancy. Ekwefi constantly fears that she will lose Ezinma too. The festival was only three days away. We were scrubbing the walls and the huts with red earthRead MoreColonialism In Things Fall Apart1824 Words  | 8 Pageswritten by Chinua Achebe which shows the main theme of the novel Things Fall Apart, and even represents the theme within the article, â€Å"The Benefits of British Rule†. There are many cultures with different values or practices that might seem obscure to one group but normal to another, therefore no one can determine what culture is wrong or right, but it s up to society to determine the best way of life. The novel Things Fall Apart and the article â€Å"The Benefits of British Rule†examine two differentRead More Things Fall Apart Essay1582 Words  | 7 Pages Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. New York, New York Copyright 1959 Author Biography Albert Chinualumogu Achebe, or Chinua Achebe, was born November 16, 1930, in Ogidi, Nigeria. His parents were Janet N. Achebe, and Isaiah Okafo, a teacher in a missionary school. Mr. Achebe was educated at the University College of Ibadan, but also attended Government College in 1944. He wrote his first novel, Things Fall Apart, in 1958. During the Biafran War,
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Decision Support System ( Dss ) Integration - 1170 Words
Decision Support System(DSS) Integration for the Business Model of the Ye Olde Steampunk Emporium Student Name : In Bum Choi Student ID : 0061092505 Course : Professional skills for Information Systems Course ID : CIS5100 5th October 2016 With the development of commercial transaction, there is a surge of demand of commercial evaluation and prediction. In this circumstance, many entrepreneurs tried to understand and predict patterns of customers purchase, and foresee to prepare proper distributing products and minimize the amount of stock. Dr. Nikola Tesla has noted that a number of the business competitors are providing a discount to customers, free freight delivery on their online businesses. He needed to forecast various sale results if a similar measure is adopted to his business. As a solution, Kinkajou Technologies suggested a Decision Support System(DSS) because a DSS creates usable statistics and diagrams from the DBMS and produce various scenarios which help the business owner make decisions relating to future business development and profitability. Before getting down to the point, we need to look at what a Decision Support System is. It known as DSS is a computer-based information system which helps manager accomplish a competitive advantage in either overall cost leadership, differentiation or focus, being able to make decisions and forecast future business needs and requirements. A DSS applications aids decision makers put to useShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Dss On The Corporate World989 Words  | 4 PagesUses of DSS in the Corporate World The extensive use of DSS is pertinent to business and management. Information systems of executives and other business performance software require faster decision making, identification of negative trends, and better allocation of business resources. Informative data from any organization is represented in the form of charts and graphs in a summarized way due to DSS, which helps the management make strategic decisions. The evolution of DSS consists of four generationsRead MoreThe Development and Implementation of Decision Support Systems Within the Clinical Field1229 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction The development and implementation of decision support systems within the clinical field represent a myriad of methodologies. While most institutions have adopted the IT centric or traditional approaches of DSS development and implementation, experts have recommended a user centric approach as an alternative method. If the user centric model is initiated within the industry, it makes it possible for the management to justify decisions through value analysis (Burstein Holsapple, 2008)Read More1.Introduction. The Purpose Of This Report Is To Examine1390 Words  | 6 Pagesinformation flows that the pharmaceutical supplier, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, uses several systems, such as vendor managed inventory, decision support system and e-procurement, in their business operations. The next part of this report introduces the technology implementation barriers when applying these systems and models in the process management. The re port closes with giving some solutions to tackle the technology problems and barriers to the effectiveRead MoreInformation Systems And Knowledge Management1412 Words  | 6 Pagesits partners. A DSS has been defined as an interactive and adaptable computer-based information system that supports non-structured management problems. Information systems have been linked with Knowledge Management systems to help in making more informed and scientific decisions. Knowledge Management can be described as a practice of capturing tacit knowledge and converting it into explicit knowledge through filtering, storing, retrieving and disseminating the same. Decision support through knowledgeRead MoreRole of Decision Support System for Decision-Making Process in Global Business Environment1741 Words  | 7 PagesInformation Systems Analysis Topic: Decision Support Systems Uma V Devi 2009  © Role of Decision Support System for DecisionMaking Process in Global Business Environment Decision Support System: A Decision Support System is an integrated set of computer tools allowing a decision maker to interact directly with computer to retrieve information useful in making semi structured and unstructured decisions. Example of this decisions include such things as merger and acquisition decisions, plantRead MoreGrocery Gateway847 Words  | 4 PagesCASE QUESTIONS Information Systems are Central at Grocery Gateway 1. What information systems are used at Grocery Gateway to help them make decisions? Would you classify these systems as TPS, DSS, or EIS? * The web site acts as a TPS as it supports customer transactions. * Logistic Management System is a mostly a DSS with some aspects of an EIS incorporated into it as analyzing some of its data can lead to strategic decisions. 2. How do these systems support operational, managerial orRead MoreFinal Term Paper : Clinical Decision Support Systems1034 Words  | 5 PagesPaper Clinical Decision Support Systems in North America Submitted To: Professor El Morr Submitted By: Ramanjeet Singh 209 820 663 Christina Vecchiarelli 211 485 844 Date: Monday April 13th 2015 â€Æ' Table of Contents Introduction 3 Decision Support System Used in Case 3 What Decision Support Technologies were used? 3 Analyze the users and type of decisions involved. 4 Strengths 4 What are the major benefits of this DSS? 4 Analyze the requirements of the system and how this DSS is reducing medicalRead MoreTransaction Processing Systems ( Tps )758 Words  | 4 Pagesprocessing systems (TPS) provide data collection, storage, processing and outputting functionalities for the core operations of a business. These functions are necessary for operational managers. In that way the data generated by the TPS answers general business questions and to track the flow of transactions throughout the business. TPS can keep track of such systems as payroll, inventory, sales, shipping and other vital business systems. Business intelligence systems have quite a few systems underRead MoreManagement 3211270 Words  | 6 PagesMGT 321 System Build Project For this project, you will design a system for the organization of your choosing. This could be for a current or former employer or some fictitious organization (Banks Against Blight LLC). The system you design might be data storage, telecommunications, e-commerce, accounting information, manufacturing process system, inventory management, or some other system approved by your instructor. You will discover (or create, if you choose a fictional organization) andRead MoreDigital Britain Report And Un Egovt981 Words  | 4 PagesTheir step towards realizing more ethical information systems is established by many associations they have made with number of administrations. 3. The chapter debates on how to deal with policies regarding securing data and information privileges. 4. Effects of smart and pervasive data systems on the daily life of people was introduced. 5. A detailed discussion on insufficient copy right laws was also observed. Topic (ERP Systems) -- Chapter 9 and 10 -- Highlights (5 key ideas, one
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Classic Themes of Informatics An implementation on the Pfizer Inc
Question: Discuss about the Classic Themes of Informatics An implementation on the Pfizer Inc. Answer: Introduction This paper focuses on the need for informatics in a business sector. It points out how informatics can lead a company to achieve its long term objectives as well as understand the challenges they come across in their day to day activities. First, the Pfizer Inc. Will be introduced and the goal and challenges facing the company addressed. Second, the themes of informatics will be looked at from a theoretical angle as well as applied business scenario. The aim here is to show how informatics can help Pfizer overcome it challenges. Lastly, the paper will conclude with the sum up of the essential points plus outcomes The Pfizer Inc The Pfizer Inc is one of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies based in New York City, US. It is organised into multiple divisions which include; specialty and primary care, emerging markets, nutrition, oncology, established products, Capsugel as well as animal health. The company develops produces vaccines/medicines from a broad spectrum of disciplines such as oncology, immunology, cardiology, neurology plus dialectology. Its brand includes BDL for lowering LDL cholesterol, Celebrex an anti inflammatory drug as well as Viagra for erectile dysfunction among others. In 2012, Pfizer Inc together with the Gates Foundation made a press release on a combined effort to provide easy access to the companys long lasting contraceptives to over 2 million women in underdeveloped nations ( OBrien-Nabors 2013) Problem Identification Pfizers aims at developing as well as producing vaccines/ medicines for all disciplines across the globe. Its research activities is classified into two categories the PTRD group that deals with discovering of small molecules plus related modalities , and the BTRDG group that deals with large molecular research such as vaccines (Pfizer Inc 2001). General goals challenges The aim of Pfizer Company was to ensure the health and well being of a person by producing the finest medicines and vaccines that could treat different ailments. To achieve this, the company has committed over $6 billion for research and development. On the other hand, the Pfizer has faced a wide number of challenges including; revenue reduction because of patent loss, antibiotic drug resistance, FDA stringency especially in response to the vioxx trials, as well as the end of blockbuster revenue among other challenges .These challenges will however be applied to the classic themes of informatics below Application of classic themes of informatics a) Naming and Knowing Informatics entails processing of information, where precise naming as well as knowing is of great significance. A naming that provides information plus identity uses different attributes in different sectors including shrimps in the aspect of zoos (Gallo et al. 2006) . However, information can be put into different orders for specifying further reading. As a matter of fact, naming is used like a reference for informatics for easy recognitions say after an encounter Pfizer uses different systems in naming and knowing of drugs so as to proceed in the financial system. To structure every segment, each transaction is given to a separate segment. b) Language and communication Human as well as informatics is based on different languages that allow exchange of data through the use of linguistic codes. Hence the different languages such as Germany vary from other languages that are constructed for a specific need. Besides, there are other communications such as electronic human communication that can convey more information such as gestures. Unfortunately, this can interpreted differently. According to Kessler et al. (2009) communications must be observed together with the societal background that can either be monochromic or polychromic In its global perspective Pfizer uses English as the core language. However, English is translated into other local languages to ensure the encryptions on their products are well understood by the consumers. Any other information of the company is provided only in English including all the communications such as reporting and controlling affairs of the company. On the other cases, electronic media can be used to communicate with the workers. Here, newspapers, internet, messaging can be used c) Discovery and presentation Discovery helps in finding new discoveries that can be achieved through deductions, experiences as well as reasoning. To attain such, different methods as well as processes such as presentation can be applied. For the presentations diagrams, graphics and visual forms can be used discovery has a significant role in the Pfizer Company (Rush 2006). For each medicine or vaccine it helps in mixing the right and equal proportions from their respective components. Pfizer Inc develops their drugs manually through trial error method in their research centres as well as tests the drugs in experiments. As a result, Pfizer Company depends heavily on discovery as well as transfer processes d) Recording and remembering After everything relevant information has to record for storage. The aspect of remembering here deals with the control of the stored data through choosing the storage Medias well as the way or archiving so as to make the data available for future use (Simon et al. 2008). Pfizer Company needs to find a way of remembering its records so as to avoid unnecessary time wastage in the future. Besides, the co-operates management relies heavily on recorded information so as to provide financial report of the company. To achieve this, Pfizer record should be put in a system provided with back up. In addition, further recording should be made though filing to ensure no information is lost. This can include invoices of the company. e) Systematisation and construction Systematisation as well as construction involves dealing with a companys records in long-lasting structures. Most importantly, the data modelling has a key role in deciding the structure of the stored data (Troy and Beringer 2006). Pfizer organises its financial as well as operational information with different classifications, so that every data set has a main key like a drug or customers identity. More data as well as characteristics are found inside the content. On the other aspect, Pfizer categorises its clients with a client number that contains the clients classification. Conclusion This paper has applied the classic themes of informatics in the real business scenario of Pfizer Inc. As an outcome, informatics might be perceived as the mainstay in Pfizer daily business activities so as to attain its long-term objectives of sophisticated brands as well as excellent customer service. The improvement plus internalisation technique requires flexible complex systems so as to manage every subsidiary plus consumers across the globe. While Pfizer employs technology in the financial as well as operational sectors appropriately, there are a few of challenges in the sectors of region transfer of research and development techniques as well as knowledge control to secure Pfizers assets References Davison, E. and Wells, J.I., Pfizer Inc., 1989. Pharmaceutically acceptable salts. U.S. Patent 4,879,303. Day, D., 2003. Use of pharmacy claims databases to determine rates of medication adherence. Advances in therapy, 20(3), pp.164-176. Friedman, D.S., Quigley, H.A., Gelb, L., Tan, J., Margolis, J., Shah, S.N., Kim, E.E., Zimmerman, T. and Hahn, S.R., 2007. Using pharmacy claims data to study adherence to glaucoma medications: methodology and findings of the Glaucoma Adherence and Persistency Study (GAPS). Investigative ophthalmology visual science, 48(11), pp.5052-5057. Gallo, P., Chuang-Stein, C., Dragalin, V., Gaydos, B., Krams, M. and Pinheiro, J., 2006. Adaptive designs in clinical drug developmentan executive summary of the PhRMA working group. Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics, 16(3), pp.275-283. Kessler, R.C., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Alonso, J., Chatterji, S., Lee, S., Ormel, J., stn, T.B. and Wang, P.S., 2009. The global burden of mental disorders: an update from the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys. Epidemiologia e psichiatria sociale, 18(01), pp.23-33. O'Brien-Nabors, L., 2011. Alternative sweeteners. CRC Press. Pfizer Inc, 2001. Full preparation: the Pfizer guide to careers in pharmacy. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group. Rush, A.J., Trivedi, M.H., Wisniewski, S.R., Nierenberg, A.A., Stewart, J.W., Warden, D., Niederehe, G., Thase, M.E., Lavori, P.W., Lebowitz, B.D. and McGrath, P.J., 2006. Acute and longer-term outcomes in depressed outpatients requiring one or several treatment steps: a STAR* D report. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163(11), pp.1905-1917. Simon, N.M., McNamara, K., Chow, C.W., Maser, R.S., Papakostas, G.I., Pollack, M.H., Nierenberg, A.A., Fava, M. and Wong, K.K., 2008. A detailed examination of cytokine abnormalities in Major Depressive Disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 18(3), pp.230-233. Troy, D.B. and Beringer, P. eds., 2006. Remington: The science and practice of pharmacy (Vol. 1). Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Summary of Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Lett Essay Example For Students
Summary of Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Lett Essay erSummary of Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet LetterThe story takes place in the Puritan village of Boston, Massachusetts, during the first half of the 17th Century. Several years before the novel begins, Hester Prynne came to the New World to await the arrival of her husband who had business to conclude in Europe. However, Hesters husband was captured by Indians upon his arrival in New England and did not arrive in Boston as Hester expected. While living alone in Boston and believing her husband dead, Hester committed adultery and became pregnant. The village magistrates imprisoned her for this sin and decreed she must wear a scarlet A on the bodice of her dress for the rest of her life. While in prison, Hester, highly skilled in needlework, elaborately embroidered the scarlet letter with gold thread. Before her release from prison, Hester was forced to stand on the public scaffold where all the villagers could see her. We will write a custom essay on Summary of Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Lett specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now As the story opens, Hester is leaving the prison to take her position on the scaffold. She wears the scarlet letter and carries with dignity her three-month-old daughter Pearl. As Hester endures this public disgrace, Roger Chillingworth, an old man new to the village, asks members of the crowd about her and learns as much of her story as is commonly known. When he asks the identity of the childs father, he discovers Hester has refused to divulge this information. From the balcony overlooking the scaffold, the young Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale also asks for this information and eloquently appeals to Hester to publicly name her partner in sin. She refuses. Upon her return to prison, Hester is distraught, and Roger Chillingworth, a self-proclaimed physician, comes to calm her and the babe. Chillingworth, who is actually Hesters husband, refuses to publicly acknowledge her and share in her shame. He makes Hester promise to keep his true identity secret and vows to discover and avenge himself on the man who has wronged him. Hester and Pearl take up residence in a small cottage at the edge of the village. Using her needlework skills, Hester supports herself and Pearl by sewing for the magistrates and wealthy villagers. She also sews for the poor as an act of charity. Although they live humbly, Hesters one extravagance is the way she dresses Pearl. Hester fashions scarlet, elaborately embroidered dresses for Pearl. The townspeople generally shun Hester and her daughter. Three years pass, and Hester learns the magistrates are considering taking Pearl away from her. Hester passionately implores Governor Bellingham to allow her to keep Pearl, who is her sole joy as well as a constant reminder of her sin. The Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale speaks in behalf of Hester, and Pearl is allowed to remain with her mother. As Hester and Pearl leave the Governors Mansion, Mistress Hibbins, the Governors sister, invites Hester to meet the Black Man in the forest. Hester happily declines the offer because she must take care of Pearl. The story now turns to Roger Chillingworth. Following his secret interview with Hester in prison, Chillingworth becomes a respected member of the community and personal medical advisor to Arthur Dimmesdale, whose health is failing. Chillingworth uses his medical knowledge to treat the ministers physical condition, but suspects some wound or trouble in Dimmesdales soul is contributing to his declining health. Intent on discovering the truth about Arthur Dimmesdale, Chillingworth one day comes upon the minister in his sleep, pushes aside his shirt, and reads the secret of the ministers heartthe Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is Hester Prynnes partner in adultery and the father of little Pearl. .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 , .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .postImageUrl , .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 , .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34:hover , .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34:visited , .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34:active { border:0!important; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34:active , .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34 .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc3c242ada510ecaefce73596fa516d34:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Population and natural disasters Essay Chillingworth acknowledges Dimmesdale as his enemy and thus makes him the unsuspecting victim of his malevolent revenge. Although Dimmesdale lacks the courage to confess his sin publicly and risk ruining his reputation as a man of God, he suffers privately. In addition to his constant mental torment, he punishes himself physically with a bloody scourge, fasts to the point of weakness, and keeps nightly vigils. On one of these vigil nights, seven years after Hester stood in solitary shame upon the scaffold, Dimmesdale, thinking the rest of the town is asleep, stands on that same scaffold. However,
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