Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Golden Rule, The Mischief Rule and The Literal Rule of Statutory Essay
Golden Rule, The Mischief Rule and The Literal Rule of Statutory Interpretation - Essay Example An example where Golden Rule was applied was the Sigsworth, Re, Bedford vs Bedford. In this case, a son has murdered his mother who was yet to make a will. Under the Section 46 of the Administration of Estates Act 1925, there should be inheritor and in this case, the son was the sole issue, therefore, he should have inherited the mother’s property. However, the judge ruled under the golden rule and the son did not receive the inheritance. This is because it would have been illogical to give the inheritance to the son as he murdered his mother and would have been benefited by committing a crime. Mischief Rule Mischief Rule of statutory interpretation gives authority to the judge to contain the mischief in the crime and apply it in instances where there occurs an ambiguity in the law. Thus this rule aims to understand the mischief and also to lay down a solution which would correct the situation if implemented. A popular case that came under the Mischief rule was Smith vs. Hughe s. In this case, prostitutes were charged for recruiting clients from a public place while within the confines of a private area, which were the windows that overlooked the street. Under the Street Offences Act of 1959, it is illegal to attract clients with the intention of offering sex services on streets. The defendants pleaded that they had not attracted clients on the streets but were within their own homes. However, the judge found them guilty since the prostitutes had mischief on their mind and were, in fact, taking clients from the streets. Literal Rule Literal Rule as the name suggests allows the judge to give out a ruling by taking into account the literal meaning of the word since they do not affect the ruling of the case. The judge, in this case, does not have to consider the meaning or the implications behind words or sentences such as in the case of the previous laws. This is usually the most preferred rule of statutory interpretation. An example of this is the R Vs Har ris case under which the defendant harmed the victim by biting his nose. Since the law considers stabbing, cutting or wounding a person through an instrument as a crime, therefore the defendant was acquitted since he did not commit the crime in the literal sense. Application In normal circumstances, the literal rule is first applied before considering any other approach. When a different approach is taken, a significant reason should be presented as to why the Golden or the Mischief rule had been applied. ‘After 45 years in litigation, I have seen so much money spent, stress caused and delay encountered. Reaching settlement at the door of the court is entirely unsatisfactory’. Sir Henry Brooke in ‘Mediation; Lawyers still need convincing’, Law Gazette (18th September 2008).  Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) ADR is an acronym for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Under ADR, the dispute is resolved by allowing the conflicting parties to come to an agreem ent without having to go through the process of filing a case against the defendant. In this system, the dispute is resolved with or without the presence of a third party.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Leadership In Malaysian Corporate Context
Leadership In Malaysian Corporate Context Nowadays, Leadership is very important issue in term of successful and failure any company. Some of people think that leader is always associate to the politic side but in fact leadership is related to everything around world .leader can guide the company to the safe side by his or her skill and strategy. Malaysian context is the best example of looking in deep about the differentiation between the successful and unsuccessful leader in the corporate. Therefor, the aim of this study is to determine the differentiation between the successful and unsuccessful leaders in the Malayans corporate connect. Leadership has many definition, version and perspective but generally leadership can be defined as an ability of someone who can influence other people to gain his followers. In order to enrich our knowledge about it, this study can be provided wider definition of leadership that reviews from the previous studies and other resource. Leadership is a process that gives meaning (meaningful leadership) and produced in cooperation with the willingness to lead in achieving (By : Jacobs Jacques, 1990). Leadership is a process that affects the activity of groups organized to achieve common goals (By : Rauch Behling, 1984). Leadership is a personal attitude, which led the implementation of activities to achieve the desired objectives. (By : Shared Goal, Hemhiel Coons, 1957). Leadership is interpersonal influence, in certain situations, and directly through the communication process to achieve one or several specific objectives (By :Tannebaum, Weschler and Nassarik, 1961). Leadership is abo ut leading. It is about making people work their hearts out for a cause. It is an art and its necessary skills may be acquired by those aspiring to make leadership counts on their team members. A leader inspires; set captivating challenge for his team; maintains focus for his team while allowing them the flexibility to collaborate within a highly competitive environment. More importantly he must be able to sustain development through making his people continuously committed and interested. For that he must be in control of the changes that are happening, whether internal or external. It is imperative that leadership must have vision and moral purpose to enable it to overcome challenges of complexity and chaos created by the fast changing world brought about by the globalizing world. The focus of leadership in Islam is the development of man: his attitude and hopes; his moral and etiquette. Development is about structuring his way of life physical or his surroundings. This is because conceptually man is a premium mobile developing himself internally and externally. The first translates into his spirit and the second manifest in how he makes his presence felt by his habitation and those that he relates to. A person may assume formal leadership position in a society or organization. Or because of his trust-worthy character and knowledge, he may acquire leadership informally; his people respect him. Based on the above discussion about the leadership from different perspective, this study is attempted to determent and offer clear image about the characteristic of the successful and unsuccessful leadership. It provides an example of the practical realities of two corporate leaders in Malaysian context whom one of them, as successful, while the other one is unsuccessful. Final section is analysis the situation, conclusion, and recommendation. 2.0 Successful Leader 2.1 Characteristic of Successful Leader There are at least eight Characteristic and qualities that successful leaders have: 1. Responsibility: The top leaders take accountability for making things occur. We all know just how easy it is to fault external factors and we perhaps all have done this at some time. 2. Integrity: Your success depends on others next. People will only follow if they think they can rely on you to exhibit high standards, be open, honest and honest with them. They also expect consistency. When you are consistent (no matter what your leadership style is) people know what to anticipate. 3. Decision takers: We all have worries and misgivings when it comes to taking decisions. Will it be the right one, what happens if it goes mistaken, how will I look or be perceived by others? 4. Deal with facts: Realism is necessary if you are to be a successful leader. Realism is about facing up to whatever is going on, rather than expending power wishing it was different. When faced with decisions, the best leaders will center on the facts to determine what is realistic. 5. Vision and inspiration: The most successful leaders have the ability not just to create a vision but to communicate it in a stimulating way. They see the big picture and motivate others to work jointly to make it happen. 6. Optimism: There are some who are naturally distrustful, while others are naturally optimistic. Successful leaders are part of the second group. 7. Resilient: No matter what you set out to as a leader, there will be setbacks, disappointments and failures along the way. The most successful leaders are enormously elastic and when things do not work out as they hoped, they jump back. 8. Excellence: Excellence in what they do is one of the defining qualities of successful leaders. They have a mindset of continuous development. They look for better, intelligent ways of doing things. They are continual learners. Whatever from other viewpoint, it boils down to this: successful leaders share the following characteristics or views: 1. Mission 2. Vision 3. Goal 4. Competency 5. A strong team 6. Communication skills 7. Interpersonal skills 8. A can do, get it done attitude 9. Inspiration 10. Ambition 2.2 Successful Leader From The Reality Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad (pronounced; born 10 July 1925) was the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia. He held the post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, making him Malaysias longest-serving Prime Minister, and one of the longest-serving leaders in Asia. Mahathirs political career spanned almost 40 years, from his election as a Malaysian federal Member of Parliament in 1964, until his resignation as Prime Minister in 2003. (And my time is over .. will not assume any responsibility after the official October 31, 2003 because it is important that the leadership of Malaysias new generation new thinking). This is the last to occur by this genius. Innovation in the beginnings and endings in the magnificence of it really is one of the miracles!Mahathir Mohamad, his personality is multi-talented leader of a great and insightful and seasoned political strategist and a great thinker and a visionary outlook, however a simple man. It is simply model school integrated architecture. And talk about expanding branched In these paragraphs we will shed light on some aspects of excellence in the character of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia, former prominent leaders in modern history and the most distinguished leaders of Muslim countries in modern times or say it is a glory-makers and writers. And no matter how many opinions in the personality of Mahathirs controversial really, everybody agrees that Dr Mahathir was a charismatic he was able to devise its own mechanism in political work, as it was a good observer of the affairs of regional and global companies, Aikgel of criticism and attack the closest political allies, and perhaps he was right when he said the same day that thousands of years of experience did not make the man able to manage its affairs better than those who were living in the Stone Age. Struggle with science and technology was the greatest achievement in the experience of Muslim Malaysian leader Mahathir Mohammed, who was able to build his country on the basis of Islamic civilization and away from slogans and propaganda. No one disagrees that Mahathir Mohammed entered the history of the largest and finest doors, not only because it is the transfer of Malaysia from extreme poverty, disease and pain to chanced powers to economically and technologically, and around the homes of mud into a tiger Asian has its place in the world market, but also to be the leader of a brave challenge West, rejected the dominance of Jews in the global economy and condemned the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and praised the Iraqi resistance heroes and urged Iraq to send more coffins of American soldiers to Washington to move the street and refuses to American war, whose fuel is men and stones. The most beautiful of all, we have found between the Muslim rulers who opt voluntarily for governance, and resign indifferent temptations of power, does not glow power, has laid down the rule that the Governor preached his energy and provides what he has to his homeland and then leaves the scene to others in order to continue the march. And Mahathir Mohamad model proud of every Arab and every Muslim, his achievements are not unmistakable, and has notes the benefit of those who want to read the experience of a transcendent purpose, and the researcher will find himself before a young rebel politics and sectarianism will turn into a national hero is not the way the movies (Rocky) America, but from the journey through the struggle of strength and patience to absorb the heritage of the nation and the flag flying in the prospects for lasting and bias to the poor who are salt of the earth and the perfume. Really I like this person and I hop one like hem to develop my country. 2.2.2 Practical Evidence of Unsuccessful Leader Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad In his book The Malay Dilemma, Mahathir suggested a politico-economic solution in the form of constructive protection, quoting reasons that the Malays are behind other races due to heredity and environmental factors. Tun Abdul Razak, the second prime minister who succeeded Tunku Abdul Rahman, adopted some of Mahathirs proposals in New Economic Policy (NEP) that was mainly geared towards affirmative action economic programs to concentrate on the nations economic inequality between the Malays and the non-Malays. When Mahathir succeeded Tun Hussein Onn as the Prime Minister, he improved many elements and widened the range of NEP. The NEP as we see today is by and large due to Mahathir and his cabinet, e.g.: At first, only tenders for small contracts were restricted to bumiputras only. Open tenders were still invited for large contracts. In the direction of the end of Mahathirs tenure, many large contracts were awarded to bumiputra contractors without any open tenders but on negotiation basis. In majority of the contracts, non-bumiputra contractors are not allowed to tender. This practice continues until today. Due to a good administration and education system inherited from the British Colonial government, Malaysia has since culminated enough human resources capital. During Mahathirs term in office, Malaysia turned into a regional high-tech manufacturing, financial, and telecommunications hub. This eventually led to the phenomenal growth of the Malaysian economy between 1988 and 1997, at high single digit percentage of GDP growth. Living standards rose and poverty lowered. Malaysias economy is currently the third largest among Southeast Asian countries in terms of GDP, behind Indonesia and Thailand with Singapore following closely at the back. Mahathir is often arguably credited for such growth. During this period, Mahathir embarked on assorted large scale national projects, such as the North-South Expressway, Multimedia Super Corridor, the planned capital city of Putrajaya, Johors Port of Tanjung Pelepas, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, the Bakun Dam in Sarawak, and the Petronas T owers which he helped to design. His other pet projects also included Perwaja Steel, an attempt to emulate South Korea and Japan, the Proton car company. On the other word, Mahathir has always argued that such projects give up a direct come back to the economy, distant from just serving the national pride, as government spending in turn creates jobs all along with other multiplier effects. Mahathir has also been criticized for the failures and inefficiency of several of his pet projects. Due to long term manifestation and maintenance of non-competitive policies, which he has designed or nourished, the enlargement of Malaysia economy has since decreased tremendously. As for the average of 2009 and 2010, Malaysias growth is behind all other more advanced ASEAN economies: Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippine. The non-equal and non-competitive policies also lead to serious brain drain, and recently a tremendous fall of FDI (foreign direct investment) in Malaysia. In fact, more money is invested abroad than FDI. These in turn affects the economy growth. 3.0 Unsuccessful leader 3.1 Characteristic of unsuccessful leader There is lots of Characteristic that unsuccessful leaders have. It will opposite the characteristic of successful leader. 1. Irresponsible 2. Less Vision 3. Not serious with goals 4. Fewer Competencies 5. a weak team 6. Less in Communication skills 7. Less in Interpersonal skills 8. Less Inspiration 9. Less Ambition 10. He like his self 3.2 Unsuccessful leader from the reality Pervious Executive Director of LINEA CORPORATIO BHD 3.2.1 Employment History Stanton Technologies Kredin Group Stanton Systems, Inc. 3.2.2 Board Memberships and Affiliations Member Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants Member Malaysia Institute of Accountants Member Malaysian Institute of Taxation Board Member LFE Corporation Bhd 3.2.3 Education Bachelor of Commerce degree University of Melbourne , Australia Bachelor of Commerce Degree University of Melbourne 3.2.4 Alan Rajendram, Executive Vice Chairman Our Executive Vice Chairman is Alan Rajendram. He is an experienced and one of business leader in Malaysia. He is a graduate of the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, a member of the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants, the Malaysia Institute of Accountants and the Malaysian Institute of Taxation. He is also former director of LFE Corp Bhd and was charged in court last week but claimed trial to nine charges of cheating and criminal breach of trust involving nine million shares amounting to RM23mil. 3.2.5 Practical Evidence of Unsuccessful Leader Mr. Alan Rajendram The company has released their annual report to the public on the 4th of June 2010. From the annual report the auditor mentioned that they are unable to satisfy their selves on the collectability of the advance of RM36 million reflected in other receivables, as mentioned in Note 15 and Note 39 of the notes to the financial statements. However, the management is of the view that this amount can be recovered. In the event that the said amount cannot be recovered, the shareholders equity will be decreased by the said amount and in the absence of additional capital being injected into the Company and/or future profits generated by the Group, the Company may be classified as an Affected Listed Issuer pursuant to the amendments to the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in relation to Practice Note 17/2009. This company is in financial distress when Bursa Malaysia issued PN17. Firms that fall inside the definition of PN17 will require submitting their proposal to the A pproving Authority to restructure and renew the firm in sort to maintain the listing status. After the company has released their annual report to the public, the auditor was revealing the fraud made by board of director. The company problem began when the former director Alan Rajendram has signed a letter of award with Global Investment Group (GIG) on December 29, 2009 for the dome project and was paid to GIG as performance consideration for a RM1.6 billion King Dome project. The project of King Dome is the cooling plant that would be supplying chilled water for the air-conditioning system in Manjung Perak. He has informed the board of directors after he has transferred out the money. In February 2010, the internal auditors advised the GIG to come back the money, which the last followed through. This is because the money could not be transferred without the approval of the board. Again Alan Rajendram has transferred out the money of RM36 million once more to GIG in April without informing the board. He gives interpretation was that there was force from GIG on him to transpo rt the money to be used as a performance consideration payment for the RM1.6 billion King Dome project. Therefore, he used the autocratic manner to make the decision. This happens because there were no correct procedures for projects to be ready and submitted for approval by the board. According to Linear Corp executives director Mervis Nevis, prior to this, for three years, they were no correct procedures for project to be ready and submitted for approval. Why the payment has been made to GIG? This is because Linear want to show that they have the ability to undertake the King Dome Project. Therefore RM 36 million was paid out to GIG as performance consideration. Linear has also defaulted on its loan obligations, so that Linear has decided to sell its cooling system-manufacturing plant in Prai Industrial Estate and used the proceeds as working capital. Linear also would study whether the King Dome project was still workable. If the project can proceed, there will no problem in getting financing. If it not, Rajendram had given an indemnity letter to say that the RM 36 million will be returned to Linear by November 30. When the case began, the executive director of a public listed company was charged in the Sessions Court on five charges of abetting three individuals to cheat and commit criminal breach of trust (CBT) involving nine million share amounting to RM 23 million. The executive director that involved in the case was A. Eswaramoorthy Pillay. He is a Singaporean that has been appointed to the Board on 8 December 2006 and as executive director on 26 December 2006 and was redesignated as Non-Executive Director on 29 June 2009. Bursa Malaysia was immediately appoint a special auditor to investigates the company, particularly its financial matters and identify any potential irregularities. According to case of Linear Corporation, the prior problem in this company was weak in internal control. The transfer of money can easily be made because there were no correct procedures for projects to be ready and submitted for approval by the board. Linear also admitting its recent problem were self-inflict ed by internal weaknesses. To solve this problem, there were calls for annual general meeting. From this AGM, they will carry on with their restructuring exercise with the usual framework of capital reduction, reduction of indebtedness followed by injection of new equity funds. The second recourse is to recover the money from its former director Alan Rajendram A/L Jeya Rajendram, who has issued a statutory declaration and a letter of indemnity (LOI) on June 17 to deliver the project or indemnify the company in the event of any losses. He has until Nov 30 to do so. Linear will restructuring efforts include tightening other loopholes, with any decisions involving more than RM10,000 requiring the approval of the board. Therefore, all contractual arrangements must also be vetted and prepared by external legal advisers before being brought to the board for deliberation. 3.3 These figures illustrate the current position for linear 4.0 Analysis Both successful and unsuccessful leaders focus on building employee support for change. However, unsuccessful leaders do not focus on improving organizational performance in general, while successful leaders do. Successful leaders are able to motivate, to energise and to empower others. When acting as a coach or a counselor, leaders are providing direction, knowledge, training, skills, resources, support and a listening and caring ear, all of which are necessary for successful task completion. In these roles leaders can directly assist subordinates to take on, successfully complete and master, new and complex tasks. Successful leaders spend their time more effectively. Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership roles. People can learn leadership skills. Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. E motional competence has been shown to be twice as important as cognitive abilities for star performers in all jobs, in every fielded determines ones potential, thus, Intuition plays a key role in assessment. Research has provided clear evidence that emotionally intelligent leaders are more successful. Daniel Goleman, author of the best-selling book Emotional Intelligence, estimated that 90% of the difference between a good leader and an excellent leader. In hard times, the soft stuff often goes left. But emotional cleverness, in hard times, the soft stuff often goes away. But emotional cleverness, it turns out, isnt so soft. If emotional obliviousness jeopardizes your ability to perform, fend off aggressors, or be sympathetic in a crisis, no amount of attention to the bottom line will protect your career. Emotional intelligence isnt a luxury you can do without in tough times. Its a basic instrument that, deployed with elegance, is the key in to professional success. Leadership plays on important port in the success of any organization. In the absence of effective leadership no organization can work efficiently an organization is created with the purpose of achieving certain objectives through a human group, it becomes essential to control this human group. According to Peter F. Drucker, A business leader is the basic and not easily available source of a business enterprise The chief factor in the failure cf many business enterprises has been inefficient leadership Konntz and ODonnell have clarified the Importance of leadership In the following diagram: : 5.0 Conclusion The main ingredient of good leadership is good character. This is because leadership involves conduct and conduct is determined by values. good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are not resting on their laurels. Good leaders lead from the front. They take the initiative to go first. On the other hand unsuccessful leaders see new initiatives as a burden, rarely volunteer, and fear being overwhelmed, they reject suggestions from subordinates and peers, they make decisions that colleagues and subordinates consider to be not in the organizations best interests. They set standards of behavior or expectations of performance and then violate them. The primary reason people leave a job is relationship based. One of the key factors is the quality of the relationship between the employee and her/his supervisor/manager. As leadership Richard Leider says, People dont leave companies they leave leaders. In Working with Emotional Intelligence, D aniel Goleman reported that 80-90% of the competencies that differentiate top performers are in the domain of emotional intelligence. Executives who fail to build up self-awareness risk falling into an emotionally deadening routine that threatens their true selves. Certainly a reluctance to discover your internal landscape not only weakens your own motivation but can also corrode your ability to motivate others. In other words, emotional intelligence has a profound impact on productivity and individual success. Emotional competence is the single most important personal quality that each of us must develop and access to experience a breakthrough. By reviewing the companys management and Board of Management and their responsibilities and powers showed that the executive director make individual decisions and he never not go back to the board for further consultation and discussion. The individual decisions are not good for the company successful unlike the group decisions which can help the company performance. 6.0 Recommendations In order for business leaders to be successful in todays business climate, they must develop Emotional Quotient skills to overcome barriers. Professionals must forget their old habits and develop new ones. Learn the ability to monitor their own and others feelings and emotions. Develop empathy by becoming more skillful at reading emotions from the faces of people they interact with. They should build and leverage rewarding relationships with others. They should able to set and achieve personal and professional goals in a manner that is compatible with what is truly best for them and others, able to get the most out of others. Focus on the task to be accomplished rather than on their negative emotions, such as disappointment or fear, and see the possibilities within the task. View every experience as a positive opportunity for growth. Avoid taking on too much work If you are a leader and need to make sure that everything is done right, then you need to learn to let go. Yes, you now have more responsibility and yes, the consequences are greater if things go wrong but the job of leader is not to do even more work than before. Your job is to manage resources effectively to meet the goals set by your own boss. This means getting your workers to do the work, not you. Trust in your workers and make everything transparent so that it is clear that they own their own problems and are responsible for their own mistakes. And finally conclude with the words of books Jerstner The change tendencies of thousands of people and their behavior is very difficult, you cannot simply take a series of speeches or write a new doctrine of the company and announced that a new culture has replaced the old culture, as you cannot be imposed or engineered, and the only thing that you can do is to create appropriate conditions for the transitio n, and the provision of incentives).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Pips Growth in Great Expectations :: Great Expectations Essays
Through the novel Great Expectations, it is seen that Pip’s personalities change. He seemed to be immature at the start but in the end he turned out much different and yet also the same. It seems to me that he changed because of those surrounding him and the influence they had on him. The most influential characters were Estella and the Magwitch. Pip at first was very uneducated and had not a clue of his social class or that there even was a social class, so he was content with what he had. As his life went on he met new people from both higher and lower social classes. From here his satisfaction turned to greed and shame, as he longed to be better educated. Pip does learn later on that having money and power and being in the high social class is not as important as having true friends, even if they are lower class. One of the first influential people around him was Estella. She always insulted Pip, yet he fell in love with her. Of course, over time he started to feel ashamed of himself, and of his roots, and he then longed to be a gentleman. Estella overall was a very poor influence on Pip because she was never supportive of him. Pip should have been around people that lifted him up and encouraged him to tell him what he needed to hear. The second is when Pip came across a convict that forced him to steal food from his sister. It is uncovered later that the convict is Magwitch, who for years he had been secretly saving money for him. When Pip is given this money he is finally able to live a gentleman’s lifestyle. This is a great influence given from the Magwitch. However, this only has a physical influence on Pip. Even though Magwitch caused Pip to feel guilty for stealing food, he came back and proved himself a noble character. When Pip sees that his helper was a convict, he realizes that the money he got was a man of a lower social class than himself. This made him feel inferior. But as time went on Pip got to know Magwitch better, he began to see that even people of the lower class can be gentlemen and friendly. Pip's Growth in Great Expectations :: Great Expectations Essays Through the novel Great Expectations, it is seen that Pip’s personalities change. He seemed to be immature at the start but in the end he turned out much different and yet also the same. It seems to me that he changed because of those surrounding him and the influence they had on him. The most influential characters were Estella and the Magwitch. Pip at first was very uneducated and had not a clue of his social class or that there even was a social class, so he was content with what he had. As his life went on he met new people from both higher and lower social classes. From here his satisfaction turned to greed and shame, as he longed to be better educated. Pip does learn later on that having money and power and being in the high social class is not as important as having true friends, even if they are lower class. One of the first influential people around him was Estella. She always insulted Pip, yet he fell in love with her. Of course, over time he started to feel ashamed of himself, and of his roots, and he then longed to be a gentleman. Estella overall was a very poor influence on Pip because she was never supportive of him. Pip should have been around people that lifted him up and encouraged him to tell him what he needed to hear. The second is when Pip came across a convict that forced him to steal food from his sister. It is uncovered later that the convict is Magwitch, who for years he had been secretly saving money for him. When Pip is given this money he is finally able to live a gentleman’s lifestyle. This is a great influence given from the Magwitch. However, this only has a physical influence on Pip. Even though Magwitch caused Pip to feel guilty for stealing food, he came back and proved himself a noble character. When Pip sees that his helper was a convict, he realizes that the money he got was a man of a lower social class than himself. This made him feel inferior. But as time went on Pip got to know Magwitch better, he began to see that even people of the lower class can be gentlemen and friendly.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
It is inhuman and offers no solution to unwanted pregnancies
Abortion is the act by which a pregnancy is prematurely terminated to result in the death of a foetus or unborn child. The life of the developing child is destroyed and the child therefore loses the chance of being born into this world.Various methods are used to perform or carry out an abortion such as use of medicine, surgery or any other methods of extraction some of which are very crude. Abortion dates way back into history and has been a social evil that society has had to put up with for a long time. In traditional society such methods as botanical products, exerting pressure on the abdomen and use of sharpened tools were used to perform abortion.With advanced civilization these methods have changed to result to more modern methods that are medically safe. Crude methods however cannot be ruled as many women will tend to maintain secrecy about the whole issue or they may not afford to visit clinics (Riddle ,John M.).Several reasons lead to abortion but the most common one is unwanted pregnancies. Such pregnancies result from failed methods of contraception, rape, incest or even careless or unprotected sex.Special cases such as complications arising from a pregnancy also result in abortion where the urgency to save the life of the mother becomes inevitable. In the course of medical examination doctors may also detect complications in the development of a foetus and decide to terminate a pregnancy depending on the degree of destruction to the foetus.Pro-abortion activists argue that there is no need of bringing an unwanted child into this world. Children resulting from rape and incest for example come at a time when the mother is least ready for the responsibility. They are not conceived through a relationship and in the event of conception through rape the fathers may not even be known.Many people find it unhealthy to bring such children into the world because of the injustices they are likely to face in society. Of all the injustices faced by child ren in the world however, abortion is the worst of them all as it denies an unborn child the most basic human right; to be born and be raised in this world.Denying a child the right to live means that such a child loses the chance to be anybody in society and society has therefore been denied the services of great men and women through abortion (Edward Richards P, Katharine Rathbun C.).Despite rigorous campaigns against abortion, the evil has been on the increase in present day society.. This is due to advance in the field of medicine that has made abortion safer thus reducing the risk of death during the process.As a result, it has become an easy way out for many women especially young adults who engage in careless sex due to the promiscuous nature of society today. But how safe is safe remains a topic of discussion regarding abortion.Though abortions carried out medically may be safe, the side effects may be far reaching and may not be realised immediately. The reproductiv e system of a woman for example may be destroyed and she may not be able to have children in future.This is traumatic as the woman is unable to overcome the guilt of contributing to her barrenness and the lack of children may lead to the break up of marriage where the woman is in such a relationship. The frustrations and psychological torment may be too much for the woman to bear (Edward R. P, Katharine R.C.).Due to increased number of abortions, a lot of people have come up with the argument that it should be legalised. They argue that legalising abortion will help to reduce abortion related deaths that result from crude methods because clinically induced abortion would now be accessible to those who wish to have it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Adolescence and Moral Development Essay
Two major reasons exist for studying moral development during adolescence. First, cognitive changes that occur during adolescence are related to moral development. Formal operational thinking allows the adolescent to interpret the social environment in new and different ways. Second, because adolescents are capable of devising new and idealistic social orders to which all are expected to conform, we may view them as moral philosophers. A number of researchers have noted other changes in moral development that point to the importance of adolescence as a transition stage in moral development. Unlike children, the adolescent is concerned with what is right as opposed to what is wrong. Also, adolescents become more preoccupied with personal and social moral codes. As they gain the competency to understand alternative points of view, they see that the moral codes are relative, not absolute. The above changes result in some conflict between moral conduct and moral thinking during adolescence. Early writing in the area of moral development was left to philosophers, who evolved three major doctrines of morality, each of which is represented in contemporary psychological theorizing. The â€Å"doctrine of the original sin†assumed that parental intervention was necessary to save the child’s soul. Current-day vestiges of this viewpoint may be found in theories of personality structure and the development of the conscience, or superego, which argue that the child internalizes parental standards of right and wrong. See more: Perseverance essay The â€Å"doctrine of innate purity†argued that the child is basically moral, or pure, and that society, especially adults, are corrupting influences. This view is represented in the theorizing of Piaget, who argues that morality develops from the acquisition of autonomy emerging from the need to get along with peers. Moral thinking develops through peer-to-peer interactions that lead to an understanding of rules, according to Piaget. He also believes that parents do not allow autonomous thinking to develop because parent-child relationships are basically heteronomous, that is, the child is ruled by the parents. Therefore, the parents retard moral development. The last philosophical doctrine is the â€Å"tabula rasa†notion, which assumes that the child is neither innately pure nor corrupt but the product of environmental influences. The current-day representatives of this position are the learning theorists, who believe that development is the result of reinforcement and imitation mechanisms. In addition to these differing philosophical and theoretical views regarding the origin of morality, we must keep in mind the distinctions between three concepts: systems of morality, moral behavior and moral character. Systems of morality are evidenced in the rules that guide social and interpersonal behavior. That includes rules that are written down and those that are not. This broad definition includes all types of social behaviors, not just those we consider moral behavior. Moral behaviors are those behaviors that are consistent with rules of morality. Like moral systems, moral behaviors include social behaviors of all types. This definition of moral behavior also includes behavior contrary to that expressed in moral code. Immoral behavior is simply a subclass of moral behavior. Moral character is a much more difficult concept to define. It is mostly hard to define due to the fact it involves an individual’s motives for behaving in a particular way. The basic problem in defining moral character is to determine those personality dimensions that determine it and vary as a function of it. Moral knowledge , socialization, empathy, autonomy, and moral judgement are the major concepts defining moral character. In order to have successful peer and adult relationships, the adolescent must learn the rules of the society and act in accordance to these rules. Individuals who successfully master these tasks are said to possess moral character. Among psychologists, the writings of Freud and Piaget have had the greatest impact on research in moral development. Following their early works, there was little written about moral development. In the last two or three decades, there has been considerable research and theorizing about the process underlying moral development. According to the principles of psychoanalytic theory, morality is part of the individual’s conscience, or superego. The acquisition of morality is explained by the information of the superego, which results from resolution of the Oedipal complex and identification with the same-sex parent. Society ensures its survival through this identification process by imposing its cultural standards, as represented by the parents’ behaviors, attitudes, aspirations, on the individual. Although the exact basis is unclear, Freud’s theorizing has stimulated considerable research into the effects of parental behavior on the child’s moral development. The major research concerns have centered on moral character , the consistency of moral behavior across situations, and the role of parental disciplinary techniques in shaping moral behavior.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Independent and Dependent Variables Which Is Which
Independent and Dependent Variables Which Is Which SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Independent and dependent variables areimportant for both math and science. If you don't understand what these two variables are and how they differ, you'll struggle to analyze an experiment or plot equations. Fortunately, we make learning these concepts easy! In this guide, webreak down what independent and dependent variables are, give examples of the variables in actual experiments, explain how to properly graph them, provide a quiz to test your skills, and discuss the one other important variable you need to know. What Is an Independent Variable? What Is a Dependent Variable? A variable is something you’re trying to measure. It can be practically anything, such as objects, amounts of time, feelings, events, or ideas. If you’re studying how people feel about different television shows, the variables in that experiment are television shows and feelings. If you’re studying how different types of fertilizer affect how tall plants grow, the variables are type of fertilizer and plant height. There are two key variables in every experiment: the independent variable and the dependent variable. Independent variable:What the scientist changes or what changes on its own. Dependent variable:What is being studied/measured. The independent variable (sometimes known as the manipulated variable) is the variable whose change isn’t affected by any other variable in the experiment. Either the scientist has to change the independent variable herself or it changes on its own; nothing else in the experiment affects or changes it. Two examples of common independent variables are age and time. There’s nothing you or anything else can do to speed up or slow down time or increase or decrease age. They’re independent of everything else. The dependent variable (sometimes known as the responding variable) is what is being studied and measured in the experiment. It’s what changes as a result of the changes to the independent variable. An example of a dependent variable is how tall you are at different ages. The dependent variable (height) depends on the independent variable (age). An easy way to think of independent and dependent variables is, when you’re conducting an experiment, the independent variable is what you change, and the dependent variable is what changes because of that. You can also think of the independent variable as the cause and the dependent variable as the effect. It can be a lot easier to understand the differences between these two variables with examples, so let’s look at some sample experiments below. Examples of Independent and Dependent Variables in Experiments Below are overviews of three experiments, each with their independent and dependent variables identified. Experiment 1: You want to figure out which brand of microwave popcorn pops the most kernels so you can get the most value for your money. You test different brands of popcorn to see which bag pops the most popcorn kernels. Independent Variable: Brand of popcorn bag (It’s the independent variable because you are actually deciding the popcorn bag brands) Dependent Variable: Number of kernels popped (This is the dependent variable because it's what you measure for each popcorn brand) Experiment 2: You want to see which type of fertilizer helps plants grow fastest, so you add a different brand of fertilizer to each plant and see how tall they grow. Independent Variable: Type of fertilizer given to the plant Dependent Variable: Plant height Experiment 3: You’re interested in how rising sea temperatures impact algae life, so you design an experiment that measures the number of algae in a sample of water taken from a specific ocean site under varying temperatures. Independent Variable: Ocean temperature Dependent Variable: The number of algae in the sample For each of the independent variables above, it’s clear that they can’t be changed by other variables in the experiment. You have to be the one to change the popcorn and fertilizer brands in Experiments 1 and 2, and the ocean temperature in Experiment 3 cannot be significantly changed by other factors. Changes to each of these independent variables cause the dependent variables to change in the experiments. Where Do You Put Independent and Dependent Variables on Graphs? Independent and dependent variables always go on the same places in a graph. This makes it easy for you to quickly see which variable is independent and which is dependent when looking at a graph or chart. The independent variable always goes on the x-axis, or the horizontal axis. The dependent variable goes on the y-axis, or vertical axis. Here’s an example: As you can see, this is a graph showing how the number of hours a student studies affects the score she got on an exam. From the graph, it looks like studying up to six hours helped her raise her score, but as she studied more than that her score dropped slightly. The amount of time studied is the independent variable, because it’s what she changed, so it’s on the x-axis.The score she got on the exam is the dependent variable, because it’s what changed as a result of the independent variable, and it’s on the y-axis. It’s common to put the units in parentheses next to the axis titles, which this graph does. There are different ways to title a graph, but a common way is â€Å"[Independent Variable] vs. [Dependent Variable]†like this graph. Using a standard title like that also makes it easy for others to see what your independent and dependent variables are. Are There Other Important Variables to Know? Independent and dependent variables are the two most important variables to know and understand when conducting or studying an experiment, but there is one other type of variable that you should be aware of: constant variables. Constant variables (also known as â€Å"constants†) are simple to understand: they’re what stay the same during the experiment. Most experiments usually only have one independent variable and one dependent variable, but they will all have multiple constant variables. For example, in Experiment 2 above, some of the constant variables would be the type of plant being grown, the amount of fertilizer each plant is given, the amount of water each plant is given, when each plant is given fertilizer and water, the amount of sunlight the plants receive, the size of the container each plant is grown in, and more. The scientist is changing the type of fertilizer each plant gets which in turn changes how much each plant grows, but every other part of the experiment stays the same. In experiments, you have to test one independent variable at a time in order to accurately understand how it impacts the dependent variable. Constant variables are important because they ensure that the dependent variable is changing because, and only because, of the independent variable so you can accurately measure the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. If you didn’t have any constant variables, you wouldn’t be able to tell if the independent variable was what was really affecting the dependent variable. For example, in the example above, if there were no constants and you used different amounts of water, different types of plants, different amounts of fertilizer and put the plants in windows that got different amounts of sun, you wouldn’t be able to say how fertilizer type affected plant growth because there would be so many other factors potentially affecting how the plants grew. 3 Experiments to Help You Understand Independent and Dependent Variables If you're still having a hard time understanding the relationship between independent and dependent variable, it might help to see them in action. Here are three experiments you can try at home. Experiment 1: Plant Growth Rates One simple way to explore independent and dependent variables is to construct a biology experiment with seeds. Try growing some sunflowers and see how different factors affect their growth. For example, say you have ten sunflower seedlings, and you decide to give each a different amount of water each day to see if that affects their growth.The independent variable here would be the amount of water you give the plants, and the dependent variable is how tall the sunflowers grow. Experiment 2: Chemical Reactions Explore a wide range of chemical reactions with this chemistry kit. It includes 100+ ideas for experiments- pick one that interests you andanalyze what the different variables are in the experiment! Experiment 3: Simple Machines Build and test a range of simple and complex machines with this K'nex kit. How does increasing a vehicle's mass affect its velocity? Can you lift more with a fixed or movable pulley? Remember, the independent variable is what you control/change, and the dependent variable is what changes because of that. Quiz: Test Your Variable Knowledge Can you identify the independent and dependent variables for each of the four scenarios below? The answers are at the bottom of the guide for you to check your work. Scenario 1:You buy your dog multiple brands of food to see which one is her favorite. Scenario 2:Your friends invite you to a party, and you decide to attend, but you're worried that staying out too long will affecthow well you do on your geometry test tomorrow morning. Scenario 3:Your dentist appointment will take 30 minutes from start to finish, but that doesn't include waiting in the lounge before you're called in. The total amount of time you spend in the dentist's office is the amount of time you wait before your appointment, plus the 30 minutes of the actual appointment Scenario 4:You regularly babysit your little cousin who always throws a tantrum when he's asked to eat his vegetables. Over the course of the week, you ask him to eat vegetables four times. Summary: Independent vs Dependent Variable Knowing the independent variable definition and dependent variable definition is key to understanding how experiments work. The independent variable is what you change, and the dependent variable is what changes as a result of that. You can also think of the independent variable as the cause and the dependent variable as the effect. When graphing these variables, the independent variable should go on the x-axis (the horizontal axis), and the dependent variable goes on the y-axis (vertical axis). Constant variables are also important to understand. They are what stay the same throughout the experiment so you can accurately measure the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable. What's Next? Independent and dependent variables are commonly taught in high school science classes. Read our guide to learn which science classes high school students should be taking. Scoring well on standardized tests is an important part of having a strong college application. Check out our guides on the best study tips for the SAT and ACT. Interested in science? Science Olympiad is a great extracurricular to include on your college applications, and it can help you win big scholarships. Check out our complete guide to winning Science Olympiad competitions. Quiz Answers 1: Independent: dog food brands Dependent: how much you dog eats 2: Independent:how long you spend at the party Dependent:your exam score 3: Independent:Amount of time you spend waiting Dependent:Total time you're at the dentist (the 30 minutes of appointment time is the constant) 4: Independent:Number of times your cousin is asked to eat vegetables Dependent:number of tantrums Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links, PrepScholar may receive a commission.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Steven Account Of Normandy Invasion
Normandy Invasion The battle plan, code-named Operation Overlord, called for the largest amphibious assault ever to start the liberation of occupied Europe from Nazi Germany. It began in the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, now known as D-Day. Thousands of American, British, Canadian, and French soldiers-backed by paratroopers, bombers, and warships-stormed a 50-mile stretch of French beach called Normandy. This "invasion of Normandy" was the greatest event to occur between the years of 1919 and 1945. D-day was the beginning of the end of the war. The invasion of Normandy allowed the Allied forces to get their soldiers back on the European mainland and to start defeating Germany. It was the major turning point of World War II and perhaps one of the greatest strategic military operations that was ever created. As the outcome of World War II began to change in favor of the Allies, U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower had the task of forming the largest naval invasion in history. If it was executed as planned, the landing would be the starting point for the massive attack on Germany. The attack would move eastward through France and into Germany territory. In May, while millions of troops and equipment poured into the staging area of southern Britain, the Allies created a decoy. False radio transmissions and rows of inflated rubber tanks and landing craft were positioned far from the true sight. This kept the Germans confused about the size of the attack. It also fooled them about were they thought it was going to be. The invasion of northern France from England was not launched in May, as it was planned originally, but on June 6. A huge fighting force had been assembled, including 1,200 fighting ships, 10,000 planes, 4,126 landing craft, 804 transport ships, and hundreds of amphibious and other special purpose tanks. During the operation, 156,000 troops landed in Normandy. 73,000 of them were American. They stormed by air and by se... Free Essays on Steven Account Of Normandy Invasion Free Essays on Steven Account Of Normandy Invasion Normandy Invasion The battle plan, code-named Operation Overlord, called for the largest amphibious assault ever to start the liberation of occupied Europe from Nazi Germany. It began in the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, now known as D-Day. Thousands of American, British, Canadian, and French soldiers-backed by paratroopers, bombers, and warships-stormed a 50-mile stretch of French beach called Normandy. This "invasion of Normandy" was the greatest event to occur between the years of 1919 and 1945. D-day was the beginning of the end of the war. The invasion of Normandy allowed the Allied forces to get their soldiers back on the European mainland and to start defeating Germany. It was the major turning point of World War II and perhaps one of the greatest strategic military operations that was ever created. As the outcome of World War II began to change in favor of the Allies, U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower had the task of forming the largest naval invasion in history. If it was executed as planned, the landing would be the starting point for the massive attack on Germany. The attack would move eastward through France and into Germany territory. In May, while millions of troops and equipment poured into the staging area of southern Britain, the Allies created a decoy. False radio transmissions and rows of inflated rubber tanks and landing craft were positioned far from the true sight. This kept the Germans confused about the size of the attack. It also fooled them about were they thought it was going to be. The invasion of northern France from England was not launched in May, as it was planned originally, but on June 6. A huge fighting force had been assembled, including 1,200 fighting ships, 10,000 planes, 4,126 landing craft, 804 transport ships, and hundreds of amphibious and other special purpose tanks. During the operation, 156,000 troops landed in Normandy. 73,000 of them were American. They stormed by air and by se...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Lets Get Real About Passion
Lets Get Real About Passion New writers/unpublished writers are quick to say I am passionate about writing. I just dont know how to publish. Okay, but thats apples and oranges. To be passionate about anything means you are skilled at it to a certain degree. You may not be a master or a best-seller, but you have written for long enough to make mistakes, learn from them, and have direction. . . at writing. You can self-correct. You have dreams about the stories. Publishing, however, is not writing. Publishing is about the business. You cannot be passionate about being a published writer simply Passion is a strong feeling, emotion, or like. You cannot have passion for another person without knowing them well. Same goes for writing. Same goes for publishing. In other words, you have to do it long enough to tell whether or not its a passion, because a passion sticks with you for a long, long time. . . and youll do anything to make it happen. It doesnt go away. It doesnt get disenchanted. It sticks. Its purpose. Its about making it happen regardless of what gets in your way.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Case-ENRON- Cooking the books with natural gas and electricty Assignment
Case-ENRON- Cooking the books with natural gas and electricty - Assignment Example One of the biggest victims of the Enron scandal was the employees of the company. The company set up a pension fund that matched employee contributions with Enron stocks. The pension plans that employees had worked for on many instances over 20 years became worthless overnight when the scandal broke out. The company’s stock in 2001 after the revelation of the scandal that led at the time to the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history went down to $0.40 from its all time high of $90 a year earlier. The accountants and the executive management team of Enron were completely unethical. The market to market accounting the firm used inflated income by overstating the value of energy contracts. To act in an ethical manner using market to market accounting the income estimates should have followed the principle of conservatism. The unethical strategy the managers used was biased because the managers recognize energy contracts in a manner to maximize the present value of the contract in order to receive higher bonuses. In regards to off-balance sheet transactions the company was extremely unethical because it created over 3,000 special purpose entities to hide the actual debt of the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Use an example of your choice to discuss how corporate restructuring Essay - 1
Use an example of your choice to discuss how corporate restructuring transformed market, productive and financial performance - Essay Example It can be affirmed that the competition level and the changing preferences of customers have changed the business environment at large. In this regard, the management of the companies have witnessed to face adequate complexities along with challenges in performing operations suitably in accordance with market demand (Froud & et. al., 2006). Subsequently, business organisations adopt corporate restructuring strategy with the aim of enhancing their business performances. Corporate restructuring is utilised as a procedure of changing business process, investment structure or organisational arrangement, so that business operations can be conducted with better competitiveness and effectiveness. Moreover, the strategy also aids business organisations to build flexibility in their operational activities (ABeam Consulting, 2004). Barclays PLC is a UK based multinational banking as well as financial service entity. The company offers various services that include credit cards, investment banking, personal banking and wealth management among others. Presently, the company has undertaken restructuring strategy with the aim of improving its business sustainability and competitiveness in the long-run (Barclays, 2014). With this concern, the essay emphasises analysing the strategy of corporate restructuring and its importance in improving productive functions, market operations and financial performances through using an example of Barclays. In the present competitive and changing market scenario, business organisations are required to adopt effective strategies with the intention of ensuring that their respective operational functions are performed in a profitable and competitive manner. In this respect, the notion of corporate restructuring is utilised immensely by the management team of organisations in order to improve business and operational performances. Conceptually, the notion of corporate restructuring is
How motivation can affect employees' commitment and performance at Essay
How motivation can affect employees' commitment and performance at work - Essay Example Motivation is a weapon – if used correctly. It is a fact within the domains of an organization that motivation brings out the best within the employees and offers the organization a host of incentives and longstanding results.On the flip side, lack of motivation means that the organization would lose out on this count and the work processes would get delayed as a result of the same. There is a good amount of evidence available which suggests that motivation must come out in the open and bring out the best time and time again so that the employees are on their toes all the time, and that success must be achieved when it is most desired, i.e., always. Researchers have long studied and analyzed upon the fact as to how motivation has been the key in finding out the unique points within the working ideologies of the organizations, and how these have been the basis of incentives and benefits for the sake of the business processes in the very end. This paper identifies how motivation can be used to full extent within an organization and how employees must put their foot down and achieve the very best on a proactive basis.The encouragement is indeed the motivation that one has, which is either derived from his own self (self-motivation) or by embedding the same through his co-workers or top management realms. Here an effort has been made to incorporate as many real life examples as possible to bring the best results in the open. Motivation is central to the premise of employee performance within a management scenario. This is because motivation can be the cornerstone of success or the lack thereof if seen within the correct perspectives. Motivation is intrinsic to an employee as it asks of him to give his best in both the trying circumstances as well as the better off ones. It asks of the organizational top domains to encourage and motivate their own employees so that they could offer the best and thus do the same time and again. This is a very essential aspect of understanding how motivation comes about in full circle, and how important a role it plays within the global dynamics of business performance and the attached commitment that is a part of the same (Geen 1994). In essence, motivation is central to any productive undertaking that employees ask of their own selves. What this means is the fact that commitment must remain supreme at the end of the day as this will derive performance and get the best out of the employees on a consistent basis. If performance has to be tapped, the best way in which the same could be done is to find out how motivated the employees are and how well they will shape up within the changing times and scenarios. Motivation is central to the premise of a positive change – a change which is more helpful for the organization as it brings in value in the name of commitment and ultimate performance. A few pertinent theories that pinpoint the role of motivation within the lives of the employees are significan t to mention and understand here. One such theory is the Theory of Needs coined by Abraham Maslow which takes a deep look at how people’s attitudes and behaviors are shaped up, both within their personal life domains as well as at work. Maslow stated that the most important needs for a person to remain motivated are when he receives the most basic necessities of life. These include the housing, clothing and food intakes that he acquires. After these needs have been properly met, he goes after looking for employment and interacting with the people that live around him. After the same have been fulfilled, he can now go ahead and acquire societal needs of being praised within the different norms of the society that he lives within. This is indeed regarded as the need to be taken as a respectable person. The self-esteem needs are therefore important and thus lead one towards the self-actualization requirements where a person wants to explore new things and
Entrepreneurship in the Global Environment Essay
Entrepreneurship in the Global Environment - Essay Example This essay is based on the brief overview of the profile of John Mackey and his business activities. John Mackey is the co-founder of Whole Foods Markets, which is an organic grocery retail chain based in Austin, Texas. The company holds a valuation of $14 billion and holds its position among the Fortune 500 companies. In 1978, John Mackey founded a health food store called SaferWay. After two years, it merged with Clarksville Natural Grocery to form the parent company Whole Foods market. Mackey started his business with only 19 employees and it has grown significantly since then. Currently, the company operates with 410 stores in the UK, US, and Canada, with 88,000 employees. John Mackey and his business bring the attention to his entrepreneurial qualities because he has been able to increase his business operations from a single store to a large retail chain of stores that operates in overseas location as well. One can certainly learn for his strategies and know what it needs to be an entrepreneur. Apart from focusing on business activities, Mackey also engages in socially responsible activities. He is also the co-founder of the Conscious Capitalism Movement, which discusses ethical consciousness and how a business operation should be grounded on this concept. These characteristics have made John Mackey the person of interest for the entrepreneurial studies. This section will justify that John Mackey can be categorized as an entrepreneur, by discussing his activities based on theoretical background. The theoretical background of entrepreneurship stated that an entrepreneur must have certain characteristics which allow him to thrive towards his objectives of making his business grow. It has been mentioned that an entrepreneur must be creative and should be able to take risks.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Role that Trade Unions Play Iin Reducing Discrimination in the Research Paper
The Role that Trade Unions Play Iin Reducing Discrimination in the Workplace - Research Paper Example A trade union or a labor union is an organization of employees who work in a collective manner to attain specific common goals like the protection of the integrity of trade, the achievement of higher pay packages and other ancillary employment benefits like retirement benefits, medical and health benefits, ensuring safety standards, improved working conditions, bargaining regarding the working hours and increasing the number of labours that are assigned for a particular work completion. The trade unions perform a leadership role through which its bargains with the employer groups on the behalf of the employees, who are the union members to protect the interests of the employee groups, prevent any kind of employment exploitation and negotiate the work terms and labor contracts. Several real-life organizational examples are provided in order to support the arguments presented in the paper. Common terms inherently associated with trade unions like collective bargaining, equality and diversity issues, gender discrimination, racial discrimination etc. are also explained with an aim to develop a better understanding of the propositions established in the essay. The essay is concluded by highlighting the findings and providing an opinion regarding the contribution of the trade unions to the reduction of discriminatory practices in various types of organizations. The system of trade unions started at the beginning of the 19th century when trade association was formed as labor unions by the skilled male labors with the aim of protecting their employment terms and conditions. Â
Pornography criminalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pornography criminalization - Essay Example The CNN article is just one of many that are published each year about pornography within the United States. 1. Fully Criminalize Pornography. Outlawing pornography would mean removing pornographic material from computers, TVs, magazines, sexy videos and posters; Outlawing pornography is speculated to increase the incidents of sex crimes. The pornographic material and production would go underground and the production of the material might be done by "much nastier people than those who run it now" (Micklethwait, p1). Pornography has been deemed by many as dangerous to women because it promotes sexual violence against women (Corbin, 1-5). Outlawing pornography is argued to help women regain control over their bodies. Pornography that contains fantasies of rape may lead to the fantasy being acted out in the form of an actual rape. This may bring an unintended message that "sex is bad and only men should be interested in it" (Corbin, 3). The negative aspects of pornography are many. There has been "mounting evidence from teachers, social workers, probation officers, doctorsthat there is a link between scenes of violence depicted on TV, Video, and films, and human behavior."(Munday, 1) According to Munday many people feel that "freedom of expression has gone to0 far" (Munday, 1). The desire to have pornography banned has been met with opposition that asserts that banning it would a violation of the first amendment right to free speech. On the other hand it has been argued that pornography violates a woman's civil rights (MacKinnon, 1). MacKinnon further argues that "pornography is a political practice of power and powerlessness" (MacKinnon, 2). Conservatives continue to argue that pornography degrades women and uses them only as sexual objects that need to be controlled (Pornography and Ethics, 3). Some would argue that the viewing of pornography does little or no harm but one only need recall recent news that reported a young American boy who hung himself after viewing the execution of Saddam Hussein over and over on national TV. "We're theorising he tried to experiment or mimic the behaviour and it got out of control" (CNN, January 5, 2007 - 7:49AM) People are affected by what they see in what ever format it appears. Their behavior is a result of their environment and what they are exposed to. When is comes to pornography, where is the line drawn that protects our freedoms and does no harm. 2. Fully Legalize Pornography. Some liberals argue that pornography is mostly low value content designed to produce sexual arousal and contains speech of little value intellectually and does not need protecting (Pornography and Censorship, 5). Proponents of legalized pornography argue that to further censure pornography would have chilling repercussions in the publication or showing of other materials such as valued literary, artistic, and political works. They question how to define pornography and argue that any definition would also exclude other materials as stated above. Criminalizing pornography would act to suppress future works because the artists, writers, etc who "would fear that their works would be construed as pornography and thus not publish out of fear they would be prosecuted" (Pornography and Censorship, 8-9). The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) president
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Role that Trade Unions Play Iin Reducing Discrimination in the Research Paper
The Role that Trade Unions Play Iin Reducing Discrimination in the Workplace - Research Paper Example A trade union or a labor union is an organization of employees who work in a collective manner to attain specific common goals like the protection of the integrity of trade, the achievement of higher pay packages and other ancillary employment benefits like retirement benefits, medical and health benefits, ensuring safety standards, improved working conditions, bargaining regarding the working hours and increasing the number of labours that are assigned for a particular work completion. The trade unions perform a leadership role through which its bargains with the employer groups on the behalf of the employees, who are the union members to protect the interests of the employee groups, prevent any kind of employment exploitation and negotiate the work terms and labor contracts. Several real-life organizational examples are provided in order to support the arguments presented in the paper. Common terms inherently associated with trade unions like collective bargaining, equality and diversity issues, gender discrimination, racial discrimination etc. are also explained with an aim to develop a better understanding of the propositions established in the essay. The essay is concluded by highlighting the findings and providing an opinion regarding the contribution of the trade unions to the reduction of discriminatory practices in various types of organizations. The system of trade unions started at the beginning of the 19th century when trade association was formed as labor unions by the skilled male labors with the aim of protecting their employment terms and conditions. Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Theology of Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Theology of Death - Essay Example Still, whatever we may think, death is with us virtually every day - in news reports, in films, books, and, sadly, sometimes right around us when somebody whom we have known passes away. That is why everyone is instigated by circumstances to form a peculiar vision of death, which could be called ones own theology of death. Personally, I try to base my theology of death not only on some banal reasoning but on ideas advanced by theologians and philosophers as well. For example, an interesting and thought provoking opposition of views on death can be found in the account of a symposium "Extended Life, Eternal Life". There, one speaker, a terminally ill Diogenes Allen, voiced his view of the fundamental inferiority of human life, which, if indefinitely extended, at some point would no longer be able to satisfy us because of its repetitious nature. This, as Allen reasons, turns death into a kind of blessing, as it finally opens the way for Gods perfect love, the tempting essence of which one may anticipate already during our earthly being. In his turn, another speaker Neil Gillman sees no redemptive function in death as he proclaims it to be mans enemy.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Visual of a Religious Environment Essay Example for Free
The Visual of a Religious Environment Essay How should a religious environment be visualized? Perhaps it will depend upon one’s concept of a religious environment and based on a particular religion like Roman Catholicism for instance, or Christianity. A religious environment may mean also one’s general view of a particular religious movement in one milieu. Or, it may mean a general view of all religious movements in one setting. A religious environment in Roman Catholicism, for instance, may be depicted as community members preparing for Sunday mass and heading off to a huge church whose columns, ceilings and walls are filled with ornate designs. The interior of the church contains paintings and statues depicting saints with eyes outrageously rolled up towards heaven, and crucifixes that depict the excruciating pain Christ had to go through to save mankind. Church-goers are all kneeling down, and either listening or singing distinctly religious music, and after that everything is solemn and quiet. In Christianity, the religious environment may be illustrated as the picture of one big happy family praying and singing praise and worship songs together. There is abounding joy in every activity done whether it is in church, the home, or the park. Children are cherished as a blessing to families, and they are taught godliness and righteousness as they grow up. There are numerous religious movements operating in the world today and all claim to be the right one – either leading to enlightenment or one that saves a person from death and destruction. We can picture all the religious groups passionately calling out to other people to come and listen to their message because their message saves lives. We may also picture them calling out to Divine Providence for remedies and cures from afflictions, poverty, marital dysfunction, security, and daily provisions. And as all these happenings persists, life on earth continues to exist as it was – a hectic place of modern life, where most people are caught up in a rat race.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Social Promotion Essay -- essays research papers
Social Promotion: An Excuse for Not Educating a Child      When it comes to students failing a grade level there has always been two options, either a student can be socially promoted or they can be retained. The choices for a failing child are limited and both situations have stigmas attached. Both options have positive and negative effects this I concur. While, presenting both sides of the argument I will note that retention is not always the solution to a failing child’s future, however, promoting a student without the skills or knowledge to proceed to the next grade level only paves a future of destruction. What is Social Promotion?      â€Å"Social promotion is the practice of promoting students to the next grade when they have failed to master part or all of the grade-level curriculum.†Social promotion is considered to keep a student’s social and psychological well being intact by allowing them to stay with their peers (social promotion). Social promotion reinforces failure, ignores students’ problems, and sends a message to every student that achievement and effort do not matter. (#1 pg. 1) The Alternative†¦Retention      Retention is often viewed as the only alternative to social promotion, it is a policy that holds back students who have failing grades at the end of a school year (#2 pg. 3). Retention allows students to have an additional year to repeat a grade and to master the core curriculum for that grade level. However, when a child repeats a grade level they are often taught the same skills in the exact same manner from the previous year, thus leading them through another unsuccessful year.      While most teachers know that educational research indicates that retention can be ineffective, if not harmful, they feel there are insufficient educational alternatives (#2 pg. 4). It is estimated that between 15 and 19 percent of students are retained each year and as many as 50 percent of students in large urban areas are usually retained at least once before they graduate or decide to drop out of school (Starr pg.1). The American Federation of Teachers reports that very few studies have ever documented any appreciable long-term academic gains with retention (Starr pg. 1). The AFT also notes that with retention come problems such as, student alien... intervention, and a determine and well prepared staff.      It is so easy to pass a child off by just promoting them to the next level. One might think it is not my problem anymore. By socially promoting children by just one grade level can effect that student’s performance for a lifetime. Students are in school to learn not to be passed off. They have right to a proper education and they must master all skills before being promoted. There is no hope for a child who has not met the standards or mastered the skills to be constantly promoted from one grade to the next. A student with an immeasurable amount of unmet skills and standards will never be able to function on â€Å"normal†level within society. If school systems, teachers, and parents do not hold each child responsible for the set standards then they are depriving these students of an education and a chance to ever have a successful future. When the question asked what is to be done with a failing student the answer is not social promotion. Social pro motion is an excuse, a scapegoat, or a way out of taking the time, extra effort, and responsibility of educating a child.     Â
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Black Death Essay -- essays research papers fc
The Black Death The Black Death, the most severe epidemic in human history, ravaged Europe from 1347-1351. This plague killed entire families at a time and destroyed at least 1,000 villages. Greatly contributing to the Crisis of the Fourteenth Century, the Black Death had many effects beyond its immediate symptoms. Not only did the Black Death take a devastating toll on human life, but it also played a major role in shaping European life in the years following. The Black Death consisted mainly of Bubonic plague, but pneumonic plague was also present in the epidemic. Symptoms of the Bubonic plague included high fever, aching limbs, and blood vomiting. Most characteristic of the disease were swollen lymph nodes, which grew until they finally burst. Death followed soon after. The name "Black Death" not only referred to the sinister nature of the disease, but also to the black coloring of the victims' swollen glands. Pneumonic plague was even more fatal, but it was not as abundant as the Bubonic plague. The first outbreak of the plague was reported in China in the early 1330's. Trade between Asia and Europe had been growing significantly, and in 1347, rat-infested ships from China arrived in Sicily, bringing the disease with them. Since Italy was the center of European commerce, business, and politics, this provided the perfect opportunity for the disease to spread. The plague existed in the rats and was transferred to humans by fleas living on the rats. It struck ...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Proliferation of Global Terrorism Essay
The Second Indochina War, popularly known as the Vietnam War, took place from 1965 to the 30th of April in 1975. It is a very memorable moment for the North Vietnamese military for they have achieved victory, which is in fact, the first ever major defeat of the United States in the field of military. The defeat of the United States, even with their remarkable military munitions and superiority, created a place in the minds of historians, teachers, students and other people. As such, political activists, contemporary journalists, militant teachers and socially conscious generation of students are inspired by this event to fight back against the Vietnam War (Gilbert, 2000). These people or generation, especially those who are intimidated and did not hold onto the leftist political agenda, generally is destructive and utilizes violent protests. Subversive propagandas are also used by these people to voice out their anger against the Vietnam War (Heineman, 1993).  It would be good thing for these young people to give their supports in order to achieve a military victory, but violence is not the means or should not be considered as an option. It is unnecessary for violence would only provoke another one to occur. Violence would only occur and reoccur, from one side to the other, resulting to a vicious cycle; something that is greatly unnecessary. It would be best if all the peaceful means would be exhausted first. If all fails, then we can consider violence as an option. But, as long as there are still other means, ways or options to take or consider, violence should not be considered. A well-thought action, not a reckless one, often results to greater achievements, if not the best. Part II – Dangers on a Global Scale            The Six-Day War which is commonly known as the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, is a major conflict that occurred between and fought by Syria, Egypt and Jordan, all which are Israel and Arab neighbors. In this war, soldiers or military forces from other countries also joined the battle and helped the Arab forces, such as those from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Algeria and Kuwait.            After the war, in 1967 where the Israel defeated the Arabs, the Palestinians who were displaced, tried to live in the places where they fled. The Palestinian population feared for their lives and wanted to live. They were also in state of calamity because of the strength of the troops and military forces from Israel. To run and conserve their lives was the best option that the Palestinians could do. The predominant Palestinian Population continued their lives in the West Bank. Almost 4,000 Palestinians stayed in the West Bank; all of them are refugees or those who fled to save their lives. Some stayed, and tried to fight back with the hope of winning, and greatly showing these people’s Palestinian nationalism, but their efforts were futile. The predominant Palestinian population that fled, may have contributed to their cause for they ensured to save their lives; the lives that would later on increase and ultimately create new Palestinian nationalists or future heroes of their people. Those who stayed and fought back may not have been totally successful, but they contributed as well in buying time for their people to run and survive. World Politics Complex Interdependence Counter independence refers to the international relations. In circumstances, this affirms to the fortunes and inextricabilities of Robert Keohane’s and Joseph Nye’s ideas. These two theorists accepted that in the counter independence, the diverse and intricate connections and the interdependencies of the present states and the respective societies are increasing. On the other hand, while the complex interdependencies increase, the utilization of the state or societies military force decreases. Along with the decline of military usage, is the decrease of its force and power, which oftentimes becomes unbalanced though still important. There are three characteristics of the complex interdependencies which were determined by the theorists. These characteristics would be necessary for analysis. The first characteristic is the multiple channels which connect societies and may also include informal ties. The informal ties may occur between governmental elites and the nongovernmental elites. An example would communication of one government to the advanced industrial countries or non governmental elites meeting frequently. The second characteristics include the agenda of the interstate relationships. These relationships include multiple issues which are generally not arranged. There is a link of the issues regarding prioritization and the objective of the third characteristic. An example may include the foreign affairs agenda wherein the relevant issues regarding the government and foreign policies are tackled. The third characteristic brings about the decrease in the dependence on the military force and power in dealing with the international relations. The government does not use its military capabilities to resolve issues towards other governments within the region when the complex interdependence prevails (Baaklini and Desfosses, 1997). An example would be the use of peaceful means or negotiations to resolve a conflict.            Globalization and complex interdependence may be similar or would relate to one another in that an intricate relationship is formed or that there is an increase in the interconnections between people. In globalization, there is a need for advancement of the technology, transport and communication that would later on cause an economic, cultural or political junction, not unlike the complex interdependence which does not necessarily need any advancement in technology for a convergence may occur. References Baaklini, A. I., & Desfosses, H. (1997). Designs for Democratic Stability: Studies in Viable Constitutionalism. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. Gilbert, M. J. (2000). Vietnam War on Campus: Other Voices, More Distant Drums. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group Incorporated. Heineman, K. J. (1993). Campus Wars: The Peace Movement at America State Universities in the Vietnam Era. New York: New York University Press.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Malcolm Gladwell
Interaction Between Personality and Environment A theory that an individual’s behavior is most likely based on factors such as personal convictions, personality, or inherited genes is a common belief in nowadays’ society. This theory seems like reasonable and logical because it is quite natural that a person’s behavior follows his or her characters. Malcolm Gladwell, however, in his essay, â€Å"The Power of Context: Bernie Goetz and the Rise and Fall of New York City Crime,†examines those factors affecting peoples’ behaviors and comes up with his own theory.Gladwell believes that the environmental conditions have the most significant influence on how one behaves. Throughout his essay, he presents a few different studies to help persuade the readers and to substantiate his argument. However, those cases and Gladwell’s theory are quite radical because they are only implied to certain situations, not to all circumstances and criminal cases. Ev en though environmental conditions have a more substantial impact on people’s behaviors, it is the interaction between personality and environment that actually determines the criminal actions.The influence that people’s immediate environment has on them is significant; people are affected by their environmental conditions more than by their previous intention. Gladwell discusses the relationship between environment or situation and an individual’s behavior in the Power of Context; that is, surroundings are closely related to a person’s character, and this theory is well applied when studying the criminals.As Gladwell insists, â€Å"[Broken Windows Theory and the Power of Context] are both based on the premise that an epidemic can be reversed, can be tipped, by tinkering with the smallest details of the immediate environment†(Gladwell 157). The outcome can be a whole different story by a simple and trivial factor. Similar to Broken Windows Theory, if one is at the place, where is dirty and depressed and has relatively high crime rates, one will likely think that violations of law such as throwing away garbage on the road and even committing a serious crime are fairly acceptable.In contrast, even though one was once intended to commit a crime, if one is at the place where is comfortable and tidy, one cannot commit a violent act easily and actually begins to think again about breaking a law. This theory flows into Gladwell’s argument about the Tipping Points that forces people toward violence. Gladwell believes that the little things around people can act as catalysts and significantly change the outcomes of certain situations. As Gladwell notes, â€Å"The Power of Context is an environmental argument.It says that behavior is a function of social context†(Gladwell 159). There has been a similar argument about influence of surroundings in earlier days, but it shows little difference from the claim of Gladwell. Ea rly environmentalism emphasizes the importance of fundamental social factors; crime is the result of social injustice, structural economic inequities, racism, and decades of social neglect (Gladwell 159). However, according to the Power of Context, Tipping Point – the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to an irreversible development – may be as simple and trivial.People do not have to solve the big problems or undertake some heroic steps to decrease a crime rate. All they need to do is scrubbing off graffiti and arresting fare-beaters. An individual’s personality or character also plays an important role in decision-making. Although environmental conditions can greatly affect individual’s action more than anything, their characters may also become a significant factor that determines violent behaviors.Personal convictions, experiences, and even genes can affect disposing individuals to crime. As Gladwell reveals, â€Å"All of those theori es are essentially ways of saying that the criminal is a personality type – a personality type distinguished by an insensitivity to the norms of normal society †¦ People who aren’t taught right from wrong are oblivious to what is and what is not appropriate behavior†(Gladwell 159). Most criminal cases are strongly related to criminals’ personal backgrounds or personal issues.It is quite obvious that people who have not taught what is and what is not right or wrong from their parents or in schools as they grew up are ignorant of illegal or violent actions and more likely commit crimes than educated people. Personality can be built throughout one’s entire life. Whether it is from family, friends, or teachers, the impact of these external forces can influence one’s character significantly. Those external forces may seem like an environmental condition, but the concept is quite different from the environmental factors that Gladwell uses in his argument because they are continuous surroundings.Family, friends, or teachers are usually key components of one’s life, and thus they play a crucial role in shaping one’s personality. Gladwell, in his essay, discusses many aspects of an individual’s character development. As he proposes an example, â€Å"People who grow up poor, fatherless, and buffeted by racism don’t have the same commitment to social norms as those from healthy middle-class homes†(Gladwell 159). This example perfectly demonstrates the idea that personality is shaped by individual’s constant character development and that character can have great influence on his or her decision-making.Those continuously shaped personalities or characters often interact with context in determining an individual’s behavior. Through effective examples of psychological and social experiments, Gladwell stresses his argument of the Power of Context. Interrelationship between person ality and environment eventually determines the individual’s behavior. In the example of the poor, the fatherless, and people suffered by racism committing violent actions, it is not because of either their pure personalities or environmental conditions; interact between both is that forces those people to commit a crime.Poor or fatherless surrounding is obviously the environmental factors, but those factors shape people’s personality throughout their life. As Lillian Rubin, Goetz’s biographer, writes, â€Å"there seems to be something seductive about the setting†(Gladwell 159). The Power of Context reveals that a poor environment leads people to commit violent actions, but people themselves are the one who are motivated to do immoral things. As Gladwell asserts, â€Å"Environmental Tipping Points are things that we can change: we can fix broken windows and clean up graffiti and change the signals that invite crime in the first place†(Gladwell 16 5).Motivations that come from environment, whether they are trivial or significant, force people to commit a crime even more. However, as the quotation insists, those Tipping Points can be changed and fixed easily by people’s little attention and slight changes in the surroundings. Gladwell uses the example of graffiti to support this argument. Even a little motivation such as graffiti in a subway can act as a catalyst that leads people to commit a severe crime because it may stimulate some people with bad experiences of childhood.The effects that environmental conditions have are quite significant, but those situations usually interact with people’s inner minds or personality greatly. People are influenced by the small changes in circumstances and force themselves into committing crimes, but this also means that the rate of crime can be decreased by fixing the slight things that affect people’s behaviors and that force people toward violent actions. Environment al conditions cannot be solid reasons for every crime occurred; personality is closely related to the surroundings when studying the criminal cases.In today’s world, building one’s personality is a multi-layered experience, influenced by environmental conditions. Some people may argue that the influence of immediate environment on decision-making is significant while others claim that personality or character plays a key role in controlling one’s action. However, the interrelationship between personality and environment is the most influential factor that determines one’s all kinds of behaviors. Every person carries pieces of identity that are not identical to other people’s, but even those, in some ways, are influenced by others all the time.Moreover, personality or character is affected not only by other people but also by social structures a person resides within, the family he lives with, and even the media he always faces. Personality can be f lexible depending on the surroundings. Therefore, although environmental conditions have a much more significant influence on people’s actions, the interaction between personality and environment is the one that actually controls how and why people behave in a certain way. Malcolm Gladwell Interaction Between Personality and Environment A theory that an individual’s behavior is most likely based on factors such as personal convictions, personality, or inherited genes is a common belief in nowadays’ society. This theory seems like reasonable and logical because it is quite natural that a person’s behavior follows his or her characters. Malcolm Gladwell, however, in his essay, â€Å"The Power of Context: Bernie Goetz and the Rise and Fall of New York City Crime,†examines those factors affecting peoples’ behaviors and comes up with his own theory.Gladwell believes that the environmental conditions have the most significant influence on how one behaves. Throughout his essay, he presents a few different studies to help persuade the readers and to substantiate his argument. However, those cases and Gladwell’s theory are quite radical because they are only implied to certain situations, not to all circumstances and criminal cases. Ev en though environmental conditions have a more substantial impact on people’s behaviors, it is the interaction between personality and environment that actually determines the criminal actions.The influence that people’s immediate environment has on them is significant; people are affected by their environmental conditions more than by their previous intention. Gladwell discusses the relationship between environment or situation and an individual’s behavior in the Power of Context; that is, surroundings are closely related to a person’s character, and this theory is well applied when studying the criminals.As Gladwell insists, â€Å"[Broken Windows Theory and the Power of Context] are both based on the premise that an epidemic can be reversed, can be tipped, by tinkering with the smallest details of the immediate environment†(Gladwell 157). The outcome can be a whole different story by a simple and trivial factor. Similar to Broken Windows Theory, if one is at the place, where is dirty and depressed and has relatively high crime rates, one will likely think that violations of law such as throwing away garbage on the road and even committing a serious crime are fairly acceptable.In contrast, even though one was once intended to commit a crime, if one is at the place where is comfortable and tidy, one cannot commit a violent act easily and actually begins to think again about breaking a law. This theory flows into Gladwell’s argument about the Tipping Points that forces people toward violence. Gladwell believes that the little things around people can act as catalysts and significantly change the outcomes of certain situations. As Gladwell notes, â€Å"The Power of Context is an environmental argument.It says that behavior is a function of social context†(Gladwell 159). There has been a similar argument about influence of surroundings in earlier days, but it shows little difference from the claim of Gladwell. Ea rly environmentalism emphasizes the importance of fundamental social factors; crime is the result of social injustice, structural economic inequities, racism, and decades of social neglect (Gladwell 159). However, according to the Power of Context, Tipping Point – the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to an irreversible development – may be as simple and trivial.People do not have to solve the big problems or undertake some heroic steps to decrease a crime rate. All they need to do is scrubbing off graffiti and arresting fare-beaters. An individual’s personality or character also plays an important role in decision-making. Although environmental conditions can greatly affect individual’s action more than anything, their characters may also become a significant factor that determines violent behaviors.Personal convictions, experiences, and even genes can affect disposing individuals to crime. As Gladwell reveals, â€Å"All of those theori es are essentially ways of saying that the criminal is a personality type – a personality type distinguished by an insensitivity to the norms of normal society †¦ People who aren’t taught right from wrong are oblivious to what is and what is not appropriate behavior†(Gladwell 159). Most criminal cases are strongly related to criminals’ personal backgrounds or personal issues.It is quite obvious that people who have not taught what is and what is not right or wrong from their parents or in schools as they grew up are ignorant of illegal or violent actions and more likely commit crimes than educated people. Personality can be built throughout one’s entire life. Whether it is from family, friends, or teachers, the impact of these external forces can influence one’s character significantly. Those external forces may seem like an environmental condition, but the concept is quite different from the environmental factors that Gladwell uses in his argument because they are continuous surroundings.Family, friends, or teachers are usually key components of one’s life, and thus they play a crucial role in shaping one’s personality. Gladwell, in his essay, discusses many aspects of an individual’s character development. As he proposes an example, â€Å"People who grow up poor, fatherless, and buffeted by racism don’t have the same commitment to social norms as those from healthy middle-class homes†(Gladwell 159). This example perfectly demonstrates the idea that personality is shaped by individual’s constant character development and that character can have great influence on his or her decision-making.Those continuously shaped personalities or characters often interact with context in determining an individual’s behavior. Through effective examples of psychological and social experiments, Gladwell stresses his argument of the Power of Context. Interrelationship between person ality and environment eventually determines the individual’s behavior. In the example of the poor, the fatherless, and people suffered by racism committing violent actions, it is not because of either their pure personalities or environmental conditions; interact between both is that forces those people to commit a crime.Poor or fatherless surrounding is obviously the environmental factors, but those factors shape people’s personality throughout their life. As Lillian Rubin, Goetz’s biographer, writes, â€Å"there seems to be something seductive about the setting†(Gladwell 159). The Power of Context reveals that a poor environment leads people to commit violent actions, but people themselves are the one who are motivated to do immoral things. As Gladwell asserts, â€Å"Environmental Tipping Points are things that we can change: we can fix broken windows and clean up graffiti and change the signals that invite crime in the first place†(Gladwell 16 5).Motivations that come from environment, whether they are trivial or significant, force people to commit a crime even more. However, as the quotation insists, those Tipping Points can be changed and fixed easily by people’s little attention and slight changes in the surroundings. Gladwell uses the example of graffiti to support this argument. Even a little motivation such as graffiti in a subway can act as a catalyst that leads people to commit a severe crime because it may stimulate some people with bad experiences of childhood.The effects that environmental conditions have are quite significant, but those situations usually interact with people’s inner minds or personality greatly. People are influenced by the small changes in circumstances and force themselves into committing crimes, but this also means that the rate of crime can be decreased by fixing the slight things that affect people’s behaviors and that force people toward violent actions. Environment al conditions cannot be solid reasons for every crime occurred; personality is closely related to the surroundings when studying the criminal cases.In today’s world, building one’s personality is a multi-layered experience, influenced by environmental conditions. Some people may argue that the influence of immediate environment on decision-making is significant while others claim that personality or character plays a key role in controlling one’s action. However, the interrelationship between personality and environment is the most influential factor that determines one’s all kinds of behaviors. Every person carries pieces of identity that are not identical to other people’s, but even those, in some ways, are influenced by others all the time.Moreover, personality or character is affected not only by other people but also by social structures a person resides within, the family he lives with, and even the media he always faces. Personality can be f lexible depending on the surroundings. Therefore, although environmental conditions have a much more significant influence on people’s actions, the interaction between personality and environment is the one that actually controls how and why people behave in a certain way.
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